Squash Coaching at Southgate Squash Club
Southgate Squash Club has a fabulous team of England Squash qualified coaches who provide squash coaching to players all levels, ages and abilities.
click here for more information about coaching for adults/ladies
click here for more information about coaching for juniors
The squash coaching team includes:
- Brendon Mounter: England Squash Level 3 coach. Brendon leads all the junior, senior and ladies group coaching programmes. Brendon is also a Middlesex Junior squash coach. Brendon is available for individual session particularly with new players and juniors: Tel: 07986 293022 email: dropshotsquashacad@gmail.com.
Drop Shot Squash Academy https://www.dropshotsquashacademy.co.uk
- Amreen Dhillon: England Squash Level 1 coach. She assists our junior coaching programme supporting Brendon with our younger players.
- Caitlin Carter: England Squash Level 1 coach. Caitlin is assistant coach at our junior and ladies group coaching programmes.
Come back soon for next years’ coaching